16 min read

Logs, metrics, traces collection in OTel SDK

  • open source
  • architecture
  • observability
  • python
Jupyter Kernel Architecture

Jupyter Kernel Architecture

15 min read

How Jupyter executes, inspects, completes and debug code

  • open source
  • architecture
  • jupyter
React Hooks

React Hooks

6 min read

How I learned about hooks by upgrading this website

  • UI engineering
  • software engineering
Communicate Through Code

Communicate Through Code

18 min read

Learn to communicate your ideas clearly while coding

  • software engineering
  • python
Design LRU Cache

Design LRU Cache

8 min read

Have fun designing least-recently-used cache in Python

  • algorithmic coding
  • data structures
  • python
Heapify ✌️

Heapify ✌️

9 min read

How the priority queue and heap work: theory, implementation, complexity. Heap sorting and other applications.

  • algorithmic coding
  • data structures
  • python
How I built my ML workstation 🔬

How I built my ML workstation 🔬

24 min read

A full story about building a custom ML workstation. From parts picking to software installation and using.

  • machine learning
  • computer engineering
Rock, Paper, Scissors

Rock, Paper, Scissors

7 min read

Play rock, paper, scissors game powered by computer vision

  • computer vision